Results for 'Sheri D. Kling'

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  1. Avoiding a fatal error: extending Whitehead's symbolism beyond language.Sheri D. Kling - 2017 - In Roland Faber, Jeffrey A. Bell & Joseph Petek, Rethinking Whitehead’s Symbolism: Thought, Language, Culture. [Edinburgh]: Edinburgh University Press.
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    Author Court D. Lewis Meets Critics on Repentance and the Right to Forgiveness.Court D. Lewis, Gregory L. Bock, David Boersema & Jennifer Kling - 2019 - The Acorn 19 (1):19-41.
    Court D. Lewis, author of Repentance and the Right to Forgiveness, presents a rights-based theory of ethics grounded in eirenéism, a needs-based theory of rights (inspired by Nicholas Wolterstorff) that seeks peaceful flourishing for all moral agents. This approach creates a moral relationship between victims and wrongdoers such that wrongdoers owe victims compensatory obligations. However, one further result is that wrongdoers may be owed forgiveness by victims. This leads to the “repugnant implication” that victims may be wrongdoers who do not (...)
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  3. Giving patients granular control of personal health information: Using an ethics ‘Points to Consider’ to inform informatics system designers.Eric M. Meslin, Sheri A. Alpert, Aaron E. Carroll, Jere D. Odell, William M. Tierney & Peter H. Schwartz - 2013 - International Journal of Medical Informatics 82:1136-1143.
    Objective: There are benefits and risks of giving patients more granular control of their personal health information in electronic health record (EHR) systems. When designing EHR systems and policies, informaticists and system developers must balance these benefits and risks. Ethical considerations should be an explicit part of this balancing. Our objective was to develop a structured ethics framework to accomplish this. -/- Methods: We reviewed existing literature on the ethical and policy issues, developed an ethics framework called a “Points to (...)
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  4.  47
    Attentional bias in euthymic bipolar I disorder.Andrew D. Peckham, Sheri L. Johnson & Ian H. Gotlib - 2016 - Cognition and Emotion 30 (3):472-487.
  5.  44
    Organizational Preparedness for Coping With a Major Crisis or Disaster.Karen L. Fowler, Nathan D. Kling & Milan D. Larson - 2007 - Business and Society 46 (1):88-103.
    This research presents the results of an exploratory empirical study that assessed perceived organizational preparedness for coping with a major crisis or disaster. A scale was developed and tested to measure perceptions of organizational preparedness. Hypotheses were tested to examine variations in perception of crisis preparedness. Potential for occurrence of crises was also examined and demographics collected. Findings indicate that top-level and middle-level managers have a higher level of perceived preparedness than employees, no differences in perceived preparedness based on size (...)
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    Privacy Issues in Clinical Genomic Medicine, or Marcus Welby, M.D., Meets the $1000 Genome. [REVIEW]Sheri Alpert - 2008 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 17 (4):373-384.
    We have all heard a refrain much like this one over the last decade, increasingly so, as the cost of genetic sequencing has been drastically reduced with improvements in associated techniques and technologies. Already, discoveries are being made in laboratories that can help doctors determine from which drug a particular patient will receive the most efficacious treatment. The working presumption is that, eventually, individuals’ genetic sequence information will be included in each of their personal medical records.
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    Task-evoked pupillometry provides a window into the development of short-term memory capacity.Elizabeth L. Johnson, Alison T. Miller Singley, Andrew D. Peckham, Sheri L. Johnson & Silvia A. Bunge - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
  8.  13
    Guest Editor's Introduction.Court D. Lewis - 2022 - The Acorn 22 (2):79-81.
    In this introduction to a special section on the philosophy of Bat-Ami Bar On, guest editor Court Lewis introduces Jennifer Kling’s article on equitable resettlement of refugees, Wim Laven’s article on meaningful political citizenship, and his own work on the analysis of the violent threat of citizen culture-warriors.
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  9. Collected Papers (on various scientific topics), Volume XIII.Florentin Smarandache - 2022 - Miami, FL, USA: Global Knowledge.
    This thirteenth volume of Collected Papers is an eclectic tome of 88 papers in various fields of sciences, such as astronomy, biology, calculus, economics, education and administration, game theory, geometry, graph theory, information fusion, decision making, instantaneous physics, quantum physics, neutrosophic logic and set, non-Euclidean geometry, number theory, paradoxes, philosophy of science, scientific research methods, statistics, and others, structured in 17 chapters (Neutrosophic Theory and Applications; Neutrosophic Algebra; Fuzzy Soft Sets; Neutrosophic Sets; Hypersoft Sets; Neutrosophic Semigroups; Neutrosophic Graphs; Superhypergraphs; Plithogeny; (...)
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    Ethical Dilemmas in Covid-19 Medical Care: Is a Problematic Triage Protocol Better or Worse than No Protocol at All?Sheri Fink - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (7):1-5.
    Volume 20, Issue 7, July 2020, Page 1-5.
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  11. A Defense of the Feminist-Vegetarian Connection.Sheri Lucas - 2005 - Hypatia 20 (1):150-177.
    Kathryn Paxton George's recent publication, Animal, Vegetable, or Woman?, is the culmination of more than a decade's work and encompasses standard and original arguments against the feminist-vegetarian connection. This paper demonstrates that George's key arguments are deeply flawed, antithetical to basic feminist commitments, and beg the question against fundamental aspects of the debate. Those who do not accept the feminist-vegetarian connection should rethink their position or offer a non-question-begging defense of it.
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    Choosing nursing as a career: a narrative analysis of millennial nurses' career choice of virtue.Sheri Lynn Price, Linda McGillis Hall, Jan E. Angus & Elizabeth Peter - 2013 - Nursing Inquiry 20 (4):305-316.
    The growth and sustainability of the nursing profession depends on the ability to recruit and retain the upcoming generation of professionals. Understanding the career choice experiences and professional expectations of Millennial nurses (born 1980 or after) is a critical component of recruitment and retention strategies. This study utilized Polkinghorne's interpretive, narrative approach to understand how Millennial nurses explain, account for and make sense of their choice of nursing as a career. The positioning of nursing as a virtuous choice was both (...)
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  13.  24
    The nurse apprentice and fundamental bedside care: An historical perspective.Sheri Tesseyman, Katelin Peterson & Emma Beaumont - 2023 - Nursing Inquiry 30 (3):e12540.
    This historical study aims to explain how the transition from student nurse service to fully qualified “graduate nurse” service in the United States in the 20th century affected assumptions about fundamental patient care in hospital wards and provide historical context for current apprenticeship programs. Through analysis of documents from 1920 when student nurse service, a nurse apprentice model, was the norm to 1960 when the nurse apprentice model was waning in favor of registered nurse service, this study found that the (...)
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  14. Panpsychism and the emergence of consciousness: a proposal for a new solution to the mind-body problem.Fabian Klinge - 2020 - Berlin, Germany: J.B. Metzler.
    In this book Fabian Klinge develops a novel approach for explaining phenomenal consciousness. He defends a version of panpsychism, that is the theory, that (some of) the fundamental physical entities exhibit consciousness. However, in contrast to standard conceptions of the view, the author does not take human consciousness to be grounded in but emergent from the consciousness of elementary particles. In this form, he argues, panpsychism can overcome the doctrine’s Achilles' heel, the combination problem, without running into similarly severe problems—thus (...)
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    Community and the "Absolutely Feminine".Sheri I. Hoem - 1996 - Diacritics 26 (2):49-58.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Community and the “Absolutely Feminine”Sheri I. Hoem (bio)I’ve emphasized the importance of the moment of dissent in the process of constructing knowledge, lying at the heart of the community of thought.—Jean-François Lyotard, The Postmodern ExplainedMaurice Blanchot’s The Unavowable Community places side by side a “community” of writers who confront the very possibility of community as it comes to be inscribed in politico-philosophical and literary modes. His “little book” (...)
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    Social Democracy and the Creation of the Public Interest.Sheri Berman - 2011 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 23 (3):237-256.
    ABSTRACT The Swedish case bears out Lewin's contention, in Self-Interest and Public Interest in Western Politics, that public spiritedness is much more important than is suggested by public-choice theories positing the universal dominance of self-interestedness. However, in Sweden we find that public spiritedness on the part of the public—as evidenced, for example, in sociotropic voting—was cultivated by political institutions, policies, and rhetoric that transformed a divided, conflictual society into one in which the “public interest” was both coherent and desirable. In (...)
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  17.  27
    Crisis at Guy's Hospital (1880) and the nature of nursing work.Sheri Tesseyman, Christine Hallett & Jane Brooks - 2017 - Nursing Inquiry 24 (4):e12203.
    This historical study aims to refine understanding of the nature of nursing work. The study focuses on the 1880 crisis at Guy's Hospital in London to examine the nature and meaning of nursing work, particularly the concept of nursing work as many ‘little things.’ In this paper, an examination of Margaret Lonsdale's writing offers an original contribution to our understanding of the ways in which nursing work differs from medical practice. In this way, we use the late-nineteenth-century controversy at Guy's (...)
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    A paradigm for reasoning by analogy.Robert E. Kling - 1971 - Artificial Intelligence 2 (2):147-178.
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    Computerization and Social Transformations.Rob Kling - 1991 - Science, Technology and Human Values 16 (3):342-367.
    This article examines the relationship between the use of computer-based systems and transformations in parts of the social order. Answers to this question rest heavily on the way computer-based systems are consumed -not just produced or dissemtnated. The discourse about computerezation advanced in many professional magazines and the mass media is saturated with talk about "revolution, " and yet substantial social changes are often difficult to cdentcfy in carefully designed empirical studies. The article examines qualitative case studies of computerization in (...)
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  20.  41
    Brain Privacy: How Can We Protect It?Sheri Alpert - 2007 - American Journal of Bioethics 7 (9):70-73.
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    War Refugees: Risk, Justice, and Moral Responsibility.Jennifer Kling - 2019 - New York, USA: Lexington Books.
    Jennifer Kling argues that war refugees suffer a series of wrongs and oppressions and so are owed restitution and aid—as a matter of justice—by socio political institutions. She makes the case that they should be viewed differently than migrants but that their circumstances do not wholly alleviate their own moral responsibilities.
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    Visual presentation of self by the British royal family on instagram.Sheri Parmelee & Clark Greer - 2023 - Journal for Cultural Research 27 (1):69-84.
    For centuries, the British royal family has been the subject of books, articles, broadcast media, and digital communication. The addition of social media platforms has further increased the attention of the royals. Each of the family’s official social media sites have large numbers of followers around the world. The present study uses Goffman’s Presentation of Self to qualitatively examine how the current British royal family portrays itself visually via its official Instagram account. An analysis of two years of posts on (...)
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    Joanne Conaghan: Law and Gender: Oxford University Press, 2013, 272 pp, £24.99, ISBN: 978-0199592937.Sheri Ann Labenski - 2015 - Feminist Legal Studies 23 (1):105-109.
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  24. Bottles and Bricks: Rethinking the Prohibition against Violent Political Protest.Jennifer Kling & Megan Mitchell - 2019 - Radical Philosophy Review 22 (2):209-237.
    We argue that violent political protest is justified in a generally just society when violence is required to send a message about the nature of the injustice at issue, and when it is not ruled out by moral or pragmatic considerations. Focusing on protest as a mode of public address, we argue that its communicative function can sometimes justify or require the use of violence. The injustice at the heart of the Baltimore protests—police brutality against black Americans —is a paradigmatic (...)
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  25. Doctoral essays in computer ethics Computers in government: The need to consider ethics.Sheri A. Alpert - 1996 - Science and Engineering Ethics 2 (2):225-247.
    Computer technologies are having a profoundly transforming effect on how the United States federal government operates. As technologies become more sophisticated, Federal agencies are becoming more innovative, devising creative ways to use these technologies for program delivery. One hopes that the near-term effect of these technology applications will be more efficient operation of government, the goal that generally leads to their implementation.
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    Smart Cards, Smarter Policy Medical Records, Privacy, and Health Care Reform.Sheri Alpert - 1993 - Hastings Center Report 23 (6):13-23.
    Current law does not adequately protect patients' privacy or their medical records. Proposals to computerize these records could further erode confidentiality unless new federal laws are enacted.
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    Total Information Awareness–Forgotten But Not Gone: Lessons for Neuroethics.Sheri Alpert - 2007 - American Journal of Bioethics 7 (5):24 – 26.
  28. The roots and rationale of social democracy.Sheri Berman - 2003 - Social Philosophy and Policy 20 (1):113-144.
    Two related themes have dominated discussions about the Left in advanced industrial democracies in recent years. The first is that an increasingly integrated world economy is creating a fundamentally new situation for leaders and publics, imposing burdens and constraining choices. You can either opt out of the system and languish, or put on what New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman has called neoliberalism's “Golden Straightjacket”—at which point “two things tend to happen: your economy grows and your politics shrinks.” The second (...)
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  29. Holocene Hydrological Variation in the Lake Titicaca Drainage Basin.Sheri Fritz - forthcoming - Laguna.
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    Beckett in theory: farther than too far, or ‘hyper’ text.Sheri Hoem - 1997 - Paragraph 20 (2):120-133.
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    Are old males still good males and can females tell the difference?Sheri L. Johnson & Neil J. Gemmell - 2012 - Bioessays 34 (7):609-619.
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    Philosophy in Christian Antiquity.Sheri Katz - 1996 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 34 (4):610-612.
  33. 7 Aesthetic leadership.Sheri Klein & Read Diket - 2006 - In Eugénie Angèle Samier & Richard J. Bates, Aesthetic dimensions of educational administration & leadership. New York: Routledge. pp. 99.
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    Wisdom of the wild: life lessons from nature.Sheri Mabry - 2022 - San Francisco: Chronicle Books.
    WISDOM OF THE WILD offers a deeper appreciation of life, relationships, and experiences through the exploration of nature's spiritual offerings. This collection of life lessons focuses on aspects of the natural world and their philosophical connection to our own lives, providing insights to daily living and a deeper connection to our spiritual selves. Each entry features a phenomenon found in nature, demonstrating how readers may connect the world to their human experiences. With activities, rituals, and affirmations, this book of natural (...)
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  35. Wisdom of the wild: life lessons from nature.Sheri Mabry - 2022 - San Francisco: Chronicle Books.
    WISDOM OF THE WILD offers a deeper appreciation of life, relationships, and experiences through the exploration of nature's spiritual offerings. This collection of life lessons focuses on aspects of the natural world and their philosophical connection to our own lives, providing insights to daily living and a deeper connection to our spiritual selves. Each entry features a phenomenon found in nature, demonstrating how readers may connect the world to their human experiences. With activities, rituals, and affirmations, this book of natural (...)
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    One-ing.Sheri Ritchlin - 2004 - San Francisco: Council Oak Books.
    One-ing is as close a description of "What It May Be All About" that you may ever read.The awesome task that is your destiny is connecting Heaven and Earth and ...
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    Liability-Driven Ethics: The Impact on Hiring Practices.Sheri Smith - 1994 - Business Ethics Quarterly 4 (3):321-333.
    Abstract:This paper examines economic arguments employers sometimes use to justify restricting or excluding from employment those workers who are likely to incur high costs in health care insurance. We argue that, although profit-making is a legitimate goal for businesses, hiring practices based on non-job-related criteria violate principles of self determination, autonomy, discrimination, justice, and privacy. We conclude that hiring practices based on liability-driven ethics are not morally justified, but that as long as health care insurance and employment are linked, businesses (...)
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    Journeying Through Dementia.Sheri L. Yarbrough - 2020 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 10 (2):116-118.
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    The Philosophy of Protest: Fighting for Justice without Going to War.Jennifer Kling & Megan Mitchell - 2021 - New York: Rowman & Littlefield International.
    Rather than looking at protest in the ideal case, this book looks at how protest is actually practiced and argues that suitably constrained violent political protest is sometimes justified.
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    Audiences, Narratives, and Human Values in Social Studies of Technology.Rob Kling - 1992 - Science, Technology and Human Values 17 (3):349-365.
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    The Semantic Foundations of White Fragility and the Consequences for Justice.Jennifer Kling & Leland Harper - 2020 - Res Philosophica 97 (2):325-344.
    This essay extends Robin DiAngelo’s concept of white fragility in two directions. First, we outline an additional cause of white fragility. The lack of proper terminology available to discuss race-based situations creates a semantic false dichotomy, which often results in an inability to discuss issues of racism in a way that is likely to have positive consequences, either for interpersonal relationships or for social and political change. Second, we argue that white fragility, with its semantic foundations, has serious consequences for (...)
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  42.  71
    The Role of Mental Powers in Panpsychism.Fabian Klinge - 2020 - Topoi 39 (5):1103-1112.
    Constitutive Russellian panpsychism seems to combine the strengths of its rivals, physicalism and dualism, while avoiding their weaknesses: by acknowledging the irreducibility of phenomenal properties yet grounding macro- in microphenomenality, the view can avoid both anti-physicalist arguments and the causal exclusion problem for dualism. However, two severe objections have been raised: the combination problem for phenomenal constitution, and the structural exclusion problem for the position’s account of microphenomenal causation. It is currently hotly debated whether the combination problem can be overcome. (...)
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    Human centered systems in the perspective of organizational and social informatics.Rob Kling & Susan Leigh Star - 1998 - Acm Sigcas Computers and Society 28 (1):22-29.
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    When Gunfire Shatters Bone: Reducing Sociotechnical Systems to Social Relationships.Rob Kling - 1992 - Science, Technology and Human Values 17 (3):381-385.
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  45. IT and organizational change in digital economies: a socio-technical approach.Rob Kling & Roberta Lamb - 1999 - Acm Sigcas Computers and Society 29 (3):17-25.
  46.  97
    Who Owes What to War Refugees.Jennifer Kling - 2016 - Journal of Global Ethics 12 (3):327-346.
    The suffering of war refugees is often regarded as a wrong-less harm. Although war refugees have been made worse off in severe ways, they have not been wronged, because no one intentionally caused their suffering. In military parlance, war refugees are collateral damage. As such, nothing is owed to them as a matter of justice, because their suffering is not the result of intentional wrongdoing; rather, it is the regrettable and unintended result of necessary and proportionate wartime actions. So, while (...)
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  47.  39
    Resettling Refugees: State Obligations, Egalitarian Concerns.Jennifer Kling - 2022 - The Acorn 22 (2):83-101.
    This article—a tribute to philosopher Bat-Ami Bar On—argues that states have obligations to not only resettle refugees, but also to put into place laws, policies, and procedures that are likely to ameliorate exclusionary attitudes and socio-political stances of existing members toward refugees and other forcibly displaced persons. The article begins with a recollection of Bar On, who encouraged the author to pursue the well-being of refugees as a worthy philosophical topic. The article then argues that refugee camps do not serve (...)
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  48.  32
    Justified Revolution in Contemporary American Democracy: A Confucian-Inspired Account.Jennifer Kling & Colin J. Lewis - 2022 - In Leland Harper, The Crisis of American Democracy: Essays on a Failing Institution. Vernon Press. pp. 167-192.
    How much injustice and oppression must be tolerated before a revolution is justified? In theory, the United States’ political structure, by design, makes the question of revolution obsolete: by putting political power into the hands of the people via democratic mechanisms such as voting, the division of power among separate branches of government, and representative influence and control, there should be no need for revolution because everything the government does either has the consent of the people or is (relatively swiftly) (...)
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    Uncivil Obedience: a Method for (Potentially) Decreasing Political Polarization.Jennifer Kling - 2023 - In Will Barnes, Politics, Polarity, and Peace. Netherlands: Brill Rodopi. pp. 25-41.
  50.  61
    Rage Against the Machine: The Virtues of Anger in Response to Oppression.Jennifer Kling - 2020 - In Court D. Lewis & Gregory L. Bock, The Ethics of Anger. Lexington Books. pp. 199-213.
    Oppression makes me angry. So, I am angry almost all of the time, as oppression (of various kinds) is endemic to our socio-political world. However, there is a growing philosophical literature that argues against anger as a necessary, virtuous, or important response to wrongdoing. Martha Nussbaum, in particular, argues that “anger is always normatively problematic, whether in the personal or in the public realm.” It is certainly true that anger can have bad or problematic effects, and it may well be (...)
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